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- =======================================
- Diz-Explorer Version 3.20 - 28.Dec.97
- =======================================
- Code and GFX by Jochen Grus
- © 1997 by Jochen Grus & Martin Gentile
- =======================================
- Features:
- =======================================
- * This Program recognizes 13 Packer`s:
- * The following Extensions are also recognized
- and can be shown: TXT, DIZ, NFO, INF,
- TEXT, GUIDE and much more !
- - AmigaGuide will be started by the Extension: .guide !
- * CyberShow Support !
- - No need for Picture-Extensions !!!
- * File_id`s are shown immediately after selecting the file!!!
- * All kind of Archives can be converted to LZX !!!
- * Repack inside of directories or with a new path !!!
- * AutoRepack for complete directories !!!
- * All kinds of Archives can be recognized by the
- List-Creator !!!
- * File_id can be changed and saved to a new location !
- * File window is scrolled to follow operations (see DOpus)
- * File_ID`s and other Texts can be printed out !
- * Files can be moved, copied or deleted !
- * Programs can be launched from Diz-Explorer !
- * List-Creator for Drives or directories !
- * Search Extension !
- Mount RAD: - RAD: wird gemountet.
- - mounting the RAD: device.
- Mount FFx: - FFx_Device wird gemountet. (Falls vorhanden!)
- - mounting a FFx_Device.
- Information: - Informationen über die gewählte Datei wird eingelesen.
- - Informations about the selected file.
- Run: - Programme können gestartet werden.
- - launch a program with this button.
- Shell: - Öffnet ein Shell-Window.
- - opens a Shell.
- Delete: - Löscht eine Datei.
- - Delete a file.
- Delete File item: - Löscht ein Dateieintrag.
- - Delete a file item.
- Move: - Bewegt eine Datei in ein neues Verzeichnis.
- - moves a file to a new location.
- Copy: - Kopiert eine Datei.
- - copies a file to a new location.
- About: - Information. ( Verschwindet nach 6 Sekunden )
- - Information. ( will be gone after 6 seconds )
- MultiConvert: - Konvertiert ausgewählte Datei in LZX.
- MC->LZX/LHA - converts the selected file to LZX.
- MultiConverts: - Konvertiert ausgewählte Datei in neues Verzeichnis.
- MC->LZXr/LHAr - converts the selected file to a new location.
- AutoConvert: - Konvertiert alle Dateien in einen Verzeichnis.
- AC->LZX/LHA - converts all files inside a selected directory.
- ListCreator: - Erstellt eine Fileliste aller Dateien.
- - creates a filelist
- AC-ID-Inject: - Konvertiert alle Dateien mit eigener File_Id nach LZX.
- AC ID-LHA/LZX - converts all files from a selected directory with your own file_id.
- Rename File: - Umbenennen einer Datei.
- - renaming of a selected file.
- LHA: etc. - Konvertiert angegebene Datei nach LZX.
- - converts the selected file to LZX.
- LHAs: etc. - Konvertiert angegebene Datei in ein neues Verzeichnis.
- - converts the selected file to a new location.
- ClearRam - Dito
- UnCompress - Unpack the selected files
- Save DMS: - Save the Editortext as File_Id.diz to the DMS-Archives
- Save LZX: - Save the Editortext as File_Id.diz to the LZX-Archives
- Save LHA: - Save the Editortext as File_Id.diz to the LHA-Archives
- Save TAR: - Save the Editortext as File_Id.diz to the TAR-Archives
- Save ZIP: - Save the Editortext as File_Id.diz to the ZIP-Archives
- Del Id: - Delete the File_Id from DMS-, LZX- and LHA-Archives
- Add XXX-Id: - Save the internal File_Id.diz as File_Id.diz to the XXX-Archives
- New since Version 3.x:
- ======================
- - Added new function: Add Auto-Id
- The internal File_Id replaces the File-Id of a selected file...
- ARC, DMS, LHA, LZX, TAR, ZIP and ZOO (to be continue)
- - Added new function: Add AC-Id
- The internal File_Id replaces the whole File-Id`s of a directory...
- ARC, DMS, LHA, LZX, TAR, ZIP and ZOO (to be continue)
- - Added new button: "Delete File_Item" to the Destination-Window
- This button replaces the "double click" function on this window
- to delete file items of an archive accept DMS...
- - Added new button: "Mount VF0"
- This Button will mount the first drive of the program "Virtual Floppy"
- which depends also on the fms.device...
- - Added internal mountlist for the fmsdisk.device & dms.device...
- (For FF0:, FF1:, FF2:, FF3:, VF0: and DM0:)
- - Added AmigaGuide Online-Help
- - New unpacking code for DMS !!! (Now it works fine with all diskdevices!)
- - Added an Yes/No requester to "Delete" file.
- - Added Search & Replace to the Editor.
- - Added Clear to the Editor. This will clear the whole Editortext.
- - Added "Install"-Button. Please select the Installerscript and click on this
- Button. The Amiga-Installer will start the script...
- - Added Multiconvert for TAR/TGZ, ZIP and ZOO.
- This will convert all kind of archives to TAR,ZIP or Zoo.
- - Added a simple UNDO to the Editor.
- - Added virtuell DMS-Drive !!!
- For this option you must install the DMS.Device...
- After double-clicking onto a DMS-Archive, an Drive with the name
- DM0: will be mounted. (Results on the "Destination" window)
- It`s like an normal Diskdrive accept deleting.
- This Device is not so fast like an normal RAD- or FFx-Device.
- - Added "Save Other" !!! (This will save the File_ID with an other name...)
- - Added new button over the "Device window".
- This will reread the Devicelist...
- This code is also now included with the mounting buttons.
- for more information start the Explorer.Guide...